Workout Wednesday of the Day

In a world of FAT people….

It’s nice to see people trying to get fit.

Clearly, in a world of propaganda, manipulation, confusion….you can’t trust anything you are fed.

They have been on a campaign to make fat people think they are hot and make dudes think fat chicks are hot, which is technically going against our biological programming, replacing it with their programming, essentially confusing us with our rational instinct and what we’re being told, allowing them to WIN, monetize and have a lazy fat distracted and confused population to sell product to and not fear because fat people aren’t scary, I mean they are scary, but they’ll never try to overthrow the powers that be, they may overthrow someone taking too long in line at the buffet, or overthrow the paramedics trying to get them into the ambulance before they are done eating cake and watching the latest episode of their series….despite having a heart attack at the time…

Point of the story…get fit or celebrate fitness…it takes work, effort and it’s cool to treat your body with respect and if you’re too lazy to do it, celebrate those who aren’t…its’ a good thing…..we don’t all have to be fat lazy slobs….ya hear.

Workout Wednesday of the Day July 24th, 2024