I guess we live in a world where you can go in one of two directions.
The first direction is turning your back on the computer and all the noise, bad posture, unhappiness and propaganda it feeds you.
Forcing you go back into real life, escaping this video game to experience the true human experience.
You know, like how your mom used to make you go outside to play on weekends, instead of playing videogames….
Or we can commit to those videogames like the lazy, stunted, scared of living, scared of adventure, stuck in routine, made to believe the internet is real life, convinced that the people’s uploads to social media you engage with that are just about making them money, is really what life is about, instead of having a conversation in person…..the lonely, segregated, depressing prison life….
Choose the internet life because this site relies on your unhappiness, loneliness, laziness, lack of motivation, commitment to the screen to accidentally land here when you google search “hiding things in my asshole for entertainment when I am sad”…
You know, top tier search inquiries…PORNHUB is the first result for porn and sex, well maybe I’ll be the first result for the one obscure search because I wrote it in one of this mind numbing and depressing posts…
Don’t just choose internet for me, choose it for all it has to offer like AI chicks, who practically look like real chicks and they are just as dead in the eyes without all the anti-depressants, and they are just as muppet instagram bodied without the filters or the fillers and injections, because THEY are in the instagram filter….
The women being turned into AI pretend to hate it, but the AI version of them doing porn probably gets them off….seeing them do things they always wanted to do while knowing dudes are desperate enough to hop into that fantasy too.
Unfortunately, the women who are being turned into AI porn act like they are mad at it, because they have to, even if they are secretly jerking off to it.
I just don’t really think jerking off to robot or artificial women is that big of a deal, sure it’s sad, but the women on the internet being jerked off to, even when human are robots and artificial…just made of actual skin.
I do think jerking off to cartoons is fucking creepy, but when the cartoons are practically interchangeable with actual women, choose the cartoons, because they don’t get their periods and don’t act up, they just do and say what you’ve programmed them to.
Sure, it takes the human experience out of things, that element of surprise, but you’re not having a human experience, so you might as well have a harem of your favorite pussy doing what you want it to do sexually when you want it to do it.
It’s about you loser nerd incel fuck….
We’re not quite where we need to be in terms of AI, sure it’s better than cropping a celeb face on a porn body, but it’s not quite sexbot to replace annoying women time.
Take these Millie Bobby Brown AI porn pics for example, they’re retarded….and don’t even look like AI, but rather badly cropped faces on naked bodies doing LEWD things like holding a condom full of cum…BAD BON JOVI GIRL….
She may hate that people are jerking off to them, but I’m sure 90 percent of the chicks turned into AI porn love it so much that they’ll release their own competitive porn and pretend it’s AI for the thrill….
The future of this living in a pod, eating bugs not pugs, seems bright in all it’s depressing…in a good way.