Kate Beckinsale Slutty Old Lady Weirdness of the Day

Not that you care, but Kate Beckinsale was trying to DOXX or turn her audience on a Daily Mail writer for saying something about her bleeding throat and what looks like a terminal illness being a result of her mom dying of cancer or some shit…

I know, people have real problems, but when you’re an entitled brat who is ridiculously spoiled, even into her 60s, you think your problems are more important than the rest of us, and then you try to recruit innocent dudes who can’t help but do what they are told by Kate Beckinsale because they love her so much, to basically target and destroy the Daily Mail writer…

It’s like bitch, without the media or her producing constant attention seeking content around herself, she’d BARELY exist…

If anything it’s just a constant cry for attention from her, bored, rich woman with nothing to do but whine about how unfair her celebrity is, while not actually working because of said celebrity…spending her days literally doing NOTHING..with no worries…

ALL while drawing attention to the fact she had a bleeding throat….and couldn’t eat because she was hospitalized…

Then she tries to get everyone’s sympathy about her illnesses, or her mom’s impending death…at 60 years old most people don’t still have parents you whining cunt.

People die, no one cares, we have our own problems, you’re not the only person who has dead parents, grow up you stunted twat or fuck off and show us that Pete Davidson AIDS HOLE…

Here’s the weirdness she’s wasting her time producing to get attention because SHE loves attention…spoony cunt.

Kate Beckinsale Slutty Old Lady Weirdness of the Day July 26th, 2024