Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day

Paris Hilton is not dead, in fact they are re-doing Simple Life for this modern generation which we can only hope fails miserably because it’s a new era where Paris isn’t relevant and her cunty rich girl princess act doesn’t resonate with the genderless people…even though the only people who will likely be into Paris Hilton are the fags…

Paris Hilton, who is basically a fag, decided to tuck her cock into her bikini for some shameless self promotion at 45 years old…using instagram filters…

Her rabid herpes were kept under control or at least hidden from the discerning fans, so no one on the boat who hasn’t already been contaminated by her herpes was contaminated…

I know what you’re thinking, that you saw her vagina in sex tapes and paparazzi pics, in all its crusty and deflated glory….and to that I say…she’s rich, it’s movie magic, what better way to deny your size 12 foot isn’t a dude’s foot than to release a porno to launch your career using a body double…

Seriously, Paris Hilton’s feet are so big that you don’t need foot finder, the feet find you…..

I made a MEME because I’m fucking GEN Z up in here and all these fucking hack fucks with their shit memes getting rich – GIVE ME SOME OF THAT low hanging fruit MONEY….SHIT HEAD STEVE…

Don’t be so gullible and stupid buying into this asshole rich people who manipulate you with their trash….

But stare at their bikini content like the whores they are…not because that is what they want you to do, since they feed off your energy and attention…but because that’s what you want to do….THEY DON’T CONTROL YOU!

Paris Hilton in a Bikini of the Day July 31st, 2024