Salma Hayek in a Bikini of the Day

Salma Hayek may be 100 fucking years old, but that doesn’t mean her tits aren’t still worth looking at all these years later…

In fact, her tits are worth a lot thanks to a billionaire buying them a bunch of years back for breeding purposes.

If they are good enough for a billionaire to buy, they are good enough to look at….you can even imagine Salma’s Lebanese/ Mexican Salami, which I guess is more of a Falafel Taco with extra creamy MOLE sauce fermenting inside her from all the men who have helped her get to a level a billionaire would deem worthy to buy….

I have seen old pics of Hayek and she’s not that great then, just another example of satanic brainwashing….but she is in a bikini….and that is what matters.

Salma Hayek in a Bikini of the Day July 31st, 2024