Heidi Klum Tits Out of the Day

Heidi Klum is 100 fucking years old but totally comfortable taking her whoring to the instagram level of whoring.

It’s a transition that probably wasn’t all that hard to do for a set of tits that has been whoring since the 90s.

It was a “do what you did with all those rich me in order to become what you have become”….only on instagram for a bunch of low level perverts…

That’s all the instagram hustle really is, catering to the low level perverts for likes and follows, like catering to the rich and connected dudes for money and work…and both work seamlessly for the right chicks to dominate.

Klum is on vacation, topless cuz she’s European, still a cast member on a Disney owned show, so they are ok with this European whoring…and as a VS model we all started at in catalog form pushing 50, she could be a fuck of a lot worse and a fuck of a lot more boring…so keep on bringing the tits…the Euguenics program didn’t kill all those people in Nazi Germany for her to not celebrate their accomplishments.

Heidi Klum Tits Out of the Day August 6th, 2024