Britney Spears in a Creepy Dance Video of the Day

I don’t use social media, but I do check in on Britney on a semi regular basis because I want to see if she’s officially dead yet, or if her handlers are putting out the meltdown content to lead up to the officially dead storyline.

Her account has been turned off for the last 2-3 weeks, which means that we haven’t been able to get turned on by the mid 40 year old sloppy tit and sloppy holed crazy pop star of the past….who is clearly an AI or BODY DOUBLE or OLD content of Britney because the actual Britney is dead or institutionalized but the SHOW MUST GO ON….

OR…this is actually her doing a “DANCE MONEY” kind of thing from her basement bunker prison they have her locked in….without the chains or shackles being made visible…but her cries for help apparent.

This shit is like a horror movie, a sexy pop star in her 40s with the sloppy tit horror movie, which makes it a good time to watch unfold…

Britney Spears in a Creepy Dance Video of the Day August 13th, 2024