Workout Wednesday of the Day

There is an attack on our nation, or at least on our hot fit skinny bitches by our nation and the enemy is within our WALLS….and that’s FAT CHICKS…

There was a time when the FAT CHICK was only a pain in the ass when you were married to her and she didn’t start out a fat chick….or you gave in and settled for a fat chick because you fucking hate yourself and have no shame or self respect…giving her this confidence boost to ruin your life as she takes on the ATTITUDE of a hot chick cuz she’s land the man…

There was a time when the FAT CHICCK was a pain in the ass at the bar or the club when you were trying to talk to the hot chick. We called them the FAT MANAGER and we’d always get the friend who would fuck anything to jump on the grenade to distract the fat chick while you moved in on the hot chick she was trying to cockblock you from cocking…

Then hook up culture happened and the fucking a fat chick went from being drunk at 3 am and giving the fatty something to make her feel validated until never calling her back and destroying that moment of normal chick HIGH…and turned fucking a fat chick into a normal thing, so fat chicks were able to get decent looking dudes multiple times a day because we’re horny.

They interpreted that as being hot, carrying that attitude and new found confidence to the internet, where they gamed the media into listening to them and their fatness, normalizing fat and unhealthy habits, luring girls who were on the fence on being fat, into being fat since it’s easier and gets rewarded…while hot chicks suffer..

But there are a group of women out there who are vain, who care about health, who believe in fitness, who are athletes, and who want to be hot in their bikinis….hopefully more than we know….just fighting the propaganda they are being fed because they know skinny and fit is hot and they’ll die on that hill for it…no matter how many greasy hands reach for their toned legs to pull them into the fat and demonic hell…

Fitness should be standard and obvious, but if it’s being defiant or rebelling, going against the grain, fighting the good fight, being revolutionaries, let’s hope their movement gets more momentum…

Here are some fit chicks or chicks trying to be fit….because it’s hot…and important…



We have that collective power.

Workout Wednesday of the Day August 14th, 2024