Kendall Jenner’s Asshole Behind Thong of the Day

There’s a conspiracy that I like about Kendall Jenner being born a dude, raised as a woman, on some JAMIE LEE CURTIS or that ALGERIAN BOXER suing everyone kick….

I think it’s always funny to assume the girls the media present to us as being hot are actually dudes, because it’s part of their SATANIC agenda.

There’s no way you can look at the Kardashian family and feel as though they aren’t demons who sold their soul to the devil, even if they identify as Christian, they’ve done so much damage to generations of women…and they call the MISOGYNISTS who like tits the problem….

It is possible that they were just business minded, release the sex tape, promote a TV show, become the original power influencer that people just listen to and buy into, without actual selling their souls to the devil, they got in early before it required that kind of ritual…and they’re just having fun cruising with all the opportunity…

BUT they are still pieces of shit and if you look close enough at KENDALL in her THONG bent over, you may be able to actually see her pieces of shit….behind the THONG….because it’s THURSDAY and that means ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG THURSDAY…

Whether these are BALLS, or the SOURCE CODE PUSSY for BRUCE’s PUSSY doesn’t really matter, she’s the hottest Kardashian so if we have to Kardashian because they are fixtures in society, I’ll Kardashian with this dude in a thong…TUCK GAME STRONG….


Kendall Jenner’s Asshole Behind Thong of the Day August 15th, 2024