Brie Larson in the Great Outdoors of the Day

Brie Larson looks like the middle aged mom or divorcee or never been married but likes her wine…

The kind of hiking boot wearing, breakaway pant wearing, wind breaker wearing, wicking underwear wearing woman who likes to go to all the National Parks in her SUBARU, all lesbian-like for the hikes….DYKES WHO HIKE….

I am not just saying that because she is trying to seduce you by a river…I am saying it because I see these sexless women all the time, buying their walking ski poles, rocking some trailmix and ready for some adventure and it’s never a turn on….unless you’re the kind of serial killer who hangs in the National Parks looking for these SOLO women to rape and kill…

So when Brie Larson does it, the only people excited are the feet fetishists or the brain-washed into thinking she’s a babe because the media wants you to think she’s a babe and not a High School Gym Teacher who canoes.

Brie Larson in the Great Outdoors of the Day August 19th, 2024