Kelly Brook From Big Titty Model to Big Back Model of the Day

Kelly Brook is old as shit and we’ve seen her progress from being a Big Titty UK Glamour Model, who would fuck a lot of UK athletes because she had access to them, and who would get fat in between her shoots….to the fat aspiring actress who fucked a personal trainer for a while and got fit…..not quite making it as an actress, not even with those big tits, but doing at least one movie where she showed off those tits…

I guess she is back in the UK where she is remembered as being the big tity model with yet another dude, she’s had dozens of boyfriends and thus dozens of cock in her..and now, her tits seem a little less relevant or a little less big because her back is so big…which I guess happens when you’re old and fat….they big tits become less big as the surrounding body gets bigger….kinda like how your gut buried your penis all those years ago…if you had AIDS and 0% body fat, you’d have at least 3 inches of cock to you….only it’s tits and less gay to talk about…

We’ll call this big tits to big back…which I guess is what husbands around the world have experienced with their once hotter and fitter wives…

Kelly Brook From Big Titty Model to Big Back Model of the Day August 19th, 2024