Kylie Jenner’s Fake Tits in her Bathing Suit of the Day

I don’t like to celebrate the Kardashian / Jenners because they are vile pieces of shit, but I don’t like to think they are influential or important because of anything they did, it’s more just where society is at as a whole, and they’ve been able to rock that treadmill of relevance in this new era that never unfollows and lets these scumbags exist for decades longer than the 5 minutes they should have lived…waking up at 50 and saying “shit, I still make millions doing this shit, what a fucking joke, people are really fucking dumb”….only they’re more egotistical so they instead decide to think of it as being important, smart, clever, great marketers…it can’t be fluke or chance…it has to be because they are so special…..I mean think of all the people who tried and didn’t become Kardashian/Jenners, that’s their validation.

Anyway, the demons and all their instagram body modifications creep me out in their influencer brand ambassador gnome bodies….coming to STEAL your soul or the souls of young girls who could achieve greatness but instead sell pics of their tits…which to some people is GREATNESS, since we like tits.

Kylie Jenner’s Fake Tits in her Bathing Suit of the Day August 20th, 2024