Rita Ora’s Lay Down Tits of the Day

Rita Ora’s a brave woman….because she produced some content around her laying on her back with her tits all sprawled out, which would normally be the position that most woman don’t want to be seen in, the missionary position, because it flattens the tits, especially big tits out, into some kind of pancake…destroying any semblance of perky tit…which big tit owners try to maintain for as long as they can with their big tits…knowing one day that shit will be hanging past their waste and ready to be tucked into their damn boxers.

TUCK Yo’ Titties in Yo’ Boxers…

Anyway, she’s taken up middle-aged fitness and in doing that she’s also losing the once glorious tits, so she’s on a potentially slippery slope…but she’s managing to survive…

Rita Ora’s Lay Down Tits of the Day August 28th, 2024