Eva Longoria Picking her Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Eva Longoria stood next to a chick with a better body than her, probably a younger chick, you can tell by the fact that her skin is less dull and weather, like an old wooden cabinet left out on the porch for one too many summers at the family cottage…

Despite her age and being weirdly shaped, she still had the confidence to strip down into her bikini next to the hot chick, because she understands marketing isn’t about how hot you may be, but what you actually do while half naked…

So as the other chick poses with the bikini hugging her cunt like an old friend who just got out of prison would hug you, Longoria and her dulled out old lady skin decided to finger her asshole.

He who fingers asshole for paparazzi when he who fingers asshole is the famous one is who matters in said photo…

If anything she is using the hot chick as s prop to prove that even a hot chick can’t outshine her because she’s Eva Longoria and she matters.



Eva Longoria Picking her Ass in a Bikini of the Day August 29th, 2024