Sabrina Carpenter Brings the Erotica of the Day

I believe they are trying to make you want to jerk off to Sabrina Carpenter, presenting her as the new pop fetish, allowing her to have to top of the charts song or two, even opening for witch and overlord Taylor Swift who has the minds of everyone in the palm of her evil and BORING hand…

They say that they try to present her as some underage, jailbait, infantilism fetish acting like some kind of little girl or some shit in her baby doll outfits and rocking that wide over-make-up wearing face…

But all I see is a haggard old prostitute or 50 year old wife of some rich dude who has had too much botox and life experience to convince me of there ever being any youthful charm to her!

Maybe I am missing the point, but the question remains, do you jerk off to Sabrina Carpenter because you like her or because you think you are supposed to like her?

Sabrina Carpenter Brings the Erotica of the Day August 29th, 2024