Dakota Johnson May Be Braless in a See Through Dress for Fashion of the Day

As someone who has hated COLDPLAY since their inception and was never quite able to wrap my mind around anyone who liked COLDPLAY, despite there being so many people into COLDPLAY and clearly the marketing to the hive mind had worked by COLDPLAY…there is no way I can endorse celebrity child Dakota Johnson, daughter of Don Johnson who apparently is on TV again with a Ryan Murphy show on Cruise Ship, which isn’t quite like the show concept I had for a Cruise Ship, but I’m not some homosexual TV icon who dominates the TV market like he was Norman Lear only gay as fuck….

Johnson is a third generation whore in the industry, therefore her granny whored so she didn’t have to whore, yet here she is still whoring…tits out in public, what…

Known for destroying any hotness that could have come with the 50 Shades of Grey project that lubricated a nation and left many a wet spots in panties, chairs and mattresses around the country….one the worst NEPO HIRES to date, despite endorsing NEPOTISM because I figure it’s a good way to keep society compartmentalized and class systems in place.

But year, COLDPLAY fucks this, so you shouldn’t want to, unless you are a COLDPLAY fan, which probably means you’d want to BE THIS so that you get to FUCK THAT….

It’s all so confusing…but confusing of all is WHERE ARE THE NIPPLES….are they amputated? Is this Hollywood Magic, was she born without NIPPLES, maybe she’s a robot….

In conclusion, she has an interesting reaction to meeting black people, I guess they don’t have them around the Melanie Griffith / Chris Martin household and that her dad’s Miami Vice partner was just a prop because there was no inclusivity or opportunities for black people in Hollywood before George Floyd died of a drug overdose that changed the nation…she’s like “WHAT IS THAT THING ANYWAY”….

But check out the friend’s titties…


Dakota Johnson May Be Braless in a See Through Dress for Fashion of the Day September 5th, 2024