Julianne Hough’s Stomach of the Day

I don’t know if Julianne Hough’s stomach is a product of her being molested as a young Mormon dancer, which I believe is the storyline that she wrote about in her book that I will surely never read because I don’t know how to read, but if I did, I would read biographies of more interesting people than weird dancers from a reality show.

I do know that Julianne Hough’s stomach, especially when in motion, doing some real faggy fucking dancing on the streets of NYC like some kind of theatre kid asshole you’d probably want to punch in the face if you were allowed….is fucking weird.

Maybe it’s from being skinny as fuck, whether through starvation or not…but it’s like you can pick a fold to fuck and that is something typically reserved for fat chicks…

Maybe she’s starving herself out, maybe she’s got cancer, the whole skin hanging off her is messy and luckily for us, almost vaginal…making it appealing….in a pick and fold and fuck it kind of way…

Asshole dancing theatre kid or not, Asshole fucked by Seacrest Out or not, she’s embarrassing but fuckable which doesn’t cancel out the embarrassing, but that helps push it through…like some fibre for a constipated shit…SHE is the PRUNE JUICE to your constipated SHIT…

Julianne Hough’s Stomach of the Day September 10th, 2024