Julianne Hough has Nipples of the Day

Julianne Hough is a reminder that retards in America, which happens to be the majority of the population, really like watching people dance….

It’s weird to me because dancing is pretty humiliating and watching people taking it seriously is seriously disturbing.

The Chinese have been able to create a spyware app that has penetrated the USA as an evil tracking weapon….all through the power of retards dancing for retards.

Occasionally, I’ll embrace a hot chick dancing because I can imagine that is how she fucks, but also that she’s so desperate to dance, there’s a chance I’ll actually get to fuck her.

It’s like strippers dancing don’t make me cringe because they are already down on their luck and shameless trying to do all they can to get paid….

So Hough, the MORMON GONE WILD, is the kind of dancer that makes me cringe less hard than other dancers, because she’s too buy making me hard in other ways…or at least the concept of hard…when I say “hard” it’s the equivalent of someone saying “that was funny” instead of laughing…you see…

Anyway, she’s promoting a book the only way she knows how, through whoring because she turned her back on the church…

Last week we saw her pussy cleavage, this week, we see nipples…skinny, emaciated, dancing nipples that Ryan Seacrest sucked harder than he does on Wheel of Fortune.

Julianne Hough has Nipples of the Day September 16th, 2024