Taylor Swift Gets Called Out by her High School Classmate of the Day

Taylor Swift is pretty fucking garbage, it’s obvious that she’s a pawn of the satanic cult used to monetize and confuse the minds of weak women everywhere who find her lyrics relatable because they are losers….

She has zero sex appeal and her product is some low frequency shit for low frequency women who are likely on anti-depressants and sad, looking for someone to be sad with, and the whole thing is a strategic scam that you could call witchcraft, but it’s really just marketing….

Trump tweeted that he hated Taylor Swift yesterday, or maybe that’s a bit of a meme, that I am sure will trigger all the SWIFTY retards because they will die for her honor….and sure it’s pretty retarded for an 80 year old to post that he hates a 40 year old pop star demon, but I wish more people took his lead and rebuked her evil….

NOW, other MAGAs are coming out of the woodwork and turning on their fake Country Princess, who just used country as a channel to climb to the top because country fans are loyal Christians who would still buy a LeAnn Rimes CD at the Walmart for their truck….even if they don’t really like her….it’s about supporting people…

So Trump’s broke some of the spell that the Taylor Swift people were under and now people who hate Taylor Swift are producing content around their hate for her…

This is a great trend that I endorse….let her rot on her pile of money away from the cameras because the people deserve better…

I’m pretty sure I’ve hated that lanky useless clown as long as I’ve known she existed, so I’m a weathered SWIFT hater, but invite ALL Swift Haters to unite and hate Swift together, because together we can make her go away.

I’m a unifying force in this shit…

Anyway, the mindless music that is relatable to sad women who are being exploited by the demon witch who is marketing her bullshit to them, to maintain low frequency loser women, validating loser women, instead of empowering these loser women to stop being so lame…..is being outted by a chick from her High School.

You can argue that the chick from her high school, who has been married 3 times, who has found god, who has 4 kids, who is a Veteran is calling out SWIFT for the hype, attention and clout.

But she’s saying Swift is horrible and I want more people to think SWIFT is horrible….so here’s her video….

The Caption:

“Message for Taylor Swift: 20 years ago this month, things were different. Back then, I can confidently say she didn’t believe in abortion. During that time, while CMT was filming at Hendersonville High School, I was sent home because the school didn’t want a pregnant teen to be seen on TV with Taylor. They even moved my lunch period so the crew wouldn’t ask questions or create negativity that could affect her future or the school’s image. In the end, I was denied my high school education so Taylor could pursue her fame. After 20 years of staying silent, I’m finally speaking out.”

You can google 15 year old Taylor Swift scamming the industry with the support of CMT after moving to Nashville at 14 years old when Toby Keith signed the puppet….

Now, where are the tits?

In other TAYLOR SWIFT NEWS – she was at a NFL Game with the Cock who Fucks Her…..


Taylor Swift Gets Called Out by her High School Classmate of the Day September 16th, 2024