Aubrey Plaza’s Hard Nipple in a Tight Dress of the Day

We’re nearing the 20th anniversary of this site’s existence, which means for 20 years I have been updating almost daily, around 100,000 of these bullshit blog posts that no one reads, with zero evolution, just focused on repeating the same pattern in the event that someone decides to give me 1,000,000 dollars to stop. It hasn’t happened yet but it has proven to be a terrible business plan.

In the early days of the internet, before celebrities and every mainstream normie bitch was on the internet trying to get noticed or attention, before the average girl because a smut peddling pervert, before people felt compelled to post gaping asshole pics on Reddit for their friends, back when getting a girl to send a nude or to let you capture a nude was very fucking difficult because girls had class, they had shame, they cared about what other people thought and they cared about their future self…

Which meant that a celebrity in a dress with a hard nipple caught by the paparazzi and not some SELFIE they are trying to make viral because they have a movie or product to sell….was ALL that we needed for that 30 seconds of downtime from doing whatever it is we were doing.

A simple hard nipple, we once called nip-on, then POKIES…was all a motherfucker needed….

They didn’t need throat fucking porn, they didn’t need to sext with random whores, they didn’t need trash women demanding credit card payments…they just needed their favorite actress, like nerd Aubrey Plaza in a tight dress with a hard nipple…it was good enough….

We’ve collapsed as a society, the internet porn destroyed us, but I’ll stay nostalgic and continue to stare at an Aubrey Plaza hard nipple, I like it better than her face.


Aubrey Plaza’s Hard Nipple in a Tight Dress of the Day September 17th, 2024