Selena Gomez’s Kidney Supplier Francia Raisa has a Fat Ass of the Day

Francia Raisa is the once aspiring actress who provided Selena Gomez with a KIDNEY before they had some kind of falling out.

For those of you who don’t know, providing your BFF a KIDNEY is a lot different than lending them a dress that they accidentally ruined by their monkey looking boyfriend’s acidic semen. It’s not having a falling out over sleeping with a boy one had a crush on. It’s not a falling out over the typical nonsense that chicks having falling outs over because giving a bitch a KIDNEY should mean you owe her your life and you’d never turn your back on her because she gave you a KIDNEY, no matter how annoying or entitled she becomes from providing you with life, even if she tries to shake you down for money on a regular basis because she gave you a KIDNEY…

That’s there official story, but my theory is that Selena Gomez farmed this bitch in some cloning lab, they were never friends, because these demonic rich people don’t have friends, just an entourage of Yes-Men who help validate them on days they aren’t feeling great, or providing them with KIDNEYS if needed.

Sure, there’s a possibility that this girl strategically used the KIDNEY, hoping it would make her a hero, a PR dream, the girl everyone wants to work with or maybe she got paid for it….but either way, she’s basically invisible….non existent…not a star actress…

That is until she hits the beach in her THONG bikini with her FAT ass…which makes her matter enough to me….I mean, you’d think life with one kidney would make you some emaciated weirdo who smells like cat pee, but apparently you can still get a fat fucking ass….

I mean look at that thing go.


Selena Gomez’s Kidney Supplier Francia Raisa has a Fat Ass of the Day September 17th, 2024