Wet Spot Wednesday of the Day


I haven’t done a WET SPOT WEDNESDAY post in a long fucking time and that was probably by design.

As much as I love a pussy, even a WET WARM DRIPPING Pussy, despite having never met one because I operate in a way that my super power is making pussy dusty and dry….and as much as I like Panties, because panties are exciting…..

I do not love girls showing off their dirty wet panties, because when out of context, it’s pretty gross.

My first internet business, where I actually found suppliers and a girl to work with, was selling used panties to perverts.

We got shut down before we started because at the time ebay and craigslist wouldn’t allow it and there wasn’t any other marketplace or online store options…and even then, my strategy was to use GLUE STICK GLUE and canned TUNA oil to simulate the DIRTY PANTIES…because I figured dudes into dirty panties deserved to be scammed.

I wish I carried that scamming entrepreneurial spirit into this site, where I make no money and give you my sweat and arthritic words for free….

But the point is, WET SPOT WEDNESDAY is vile…and here’s the proof.

Wet Spot Wednesday of the Day September 18th, 2024