Florence Pugh Stain of the Day

In the event you didn’t know, Florence Pugh is disgusting…like a poo stain on a public bathroom toilet seat you just passed out on while puking into it because you drank too much and ate some bad pickled eggs….she that poo smear on the hand rail you realize you’re holding on when forced to take public transit…her name is appropriate because she’s not hot to anyone but someone with a very specific and niched fetish towards these kinds of things….like a poo stain to me is something that I’ll smell and be angry I rubbed up for years to come…but to a poo fetishist…that shit is everything…

Are you a PUGH fetishist?

In the event you didn’t know, Hollywood is dying because people don’t respect actors and their useless high paid jobs, but that is because they don’t bring us hotness anymore….make actors great again, I mean they’ve always been shit, but at least they were captivating….


So get on it you rich scumbags…

Florence Pugh Stain of the Day September 20th, 2024