Pregnant Margot Robbie’s Sheer Shirt of the Day

Margot Robbie decided to whore out her pregnancy by wearing a sheer shirt. It’s almost like she’s trying to advertise that she’s pregnant, maybe even forcing it on us aggressively, in a LOOK I AM REALLY PREGNANT kind of way….

I wonder why one of the girls brought to us by the satanic Hollywood regime after getting her naked in a big Scorcese / DiCaprio movie…the average launchpad for the new high paid pussy they want to bring out to the world to mind control us….

The fact that her trash Barbie movie made billions of dollars is evidence of the strategic brainwashing lie they were building all those years ago with this chick…

I have heard stories that she’s actually a dude, or a tranny, which is something to do with what the satanic Hollywood machine does to fuck with the general population, pushing these strong jawed women on us….

So in order to keep the lie going, the push fake pregnancy bumps, which if you’ve ever watched a movie are pretty realistic….

What better way to overcompensate for not having a uterus, than to wear a sheer top to make the lie seem more obvious…bitch just needs neon signs pointing to her GUNT saying “I’m not a man, I swear, look at this pregnancy bump”…

Now whether she’s a man or not, you’d still fuck her and that’s what matters. Fag.


Pregnant Margot Robbie’s Sheer Shirt of the Day September 25th, 2024