I was checking out a slutty homeless chick who apparently had some kind of addiction, probably a meth addiction, but it could have really been anything and she looked a lot like Olivia Wilde.
I guesss starving yourself and doing too much fitness gives you the same hard face and hard body that hard drugs do, but they are hardly as fun.
Wilde’s got some veins popping out that look like she’s been spiking the needly, but that’s from fucking pilates bro….
So the hyped actress who was once more fuckable back when she was on the OC and not a weathered mother and shitty movie director brought that look to an event, in what was seemingly a sheer dress, only to reveal that SHE HAS NO NIPPLES….or that it was not a SHEER DRESS at all….
It’s unclear whether she lost her nipples in combat, if she lost them at some satanic sex party the elites have when deciding who they should let level up and get a directing position on a movie instead of being cast as “Lesbian #7”.