Salma Hayek Titty Show of the Day

Salma Hayek is old as shit but still has her tits, unlike many women her age who have died of Breast Cancer.

She is showing off her tits, like she’s mocking those women who have died of breast cancer, because she can.

These billionaire wives are typically asshole showoffs, throw in a hollywood career and I can’t imagine them being any kinder, throw in escaping Mexico, where I am sure her family were very rich and you just know she’s an asshole….and bragging about her tits is hardly the WORST of what she does.

However, we like a good set of tits.

If you like a good set of tits, put your hands up.

If you like BIG TITS jump up and down…

We’ll do anything for the tit, so even old cunty behavior that comes with tits, doesn’t get in the way of our coming to tits…

It’s basic science really.

Salma Hayek Titty Show of the Day December 5th, 2024