As someone who has though of Katy Perry as a monster since she first hit the scene….
It’s hard to accept her as a hot chick…I am amazed at how many people embraced her as a hot chick, mainly from the tits.
I couldn’t wrap my head around it and still can’t.
She’s in her 40s, on Ozempic and probably the least fat she’s ever been. Her tits survived the Ozempic, maybe they are fake, but that doesn’t make her good….
She’s a monster but a while ago I realized people like ugly chicks…and suddenly, it all started making sense to me…
You don’t need to be a hot chick to be jerked off to by the collective pervert.
The collective perverts don’t need a hot chick to jerk off they just need to be a chick….and even that is negotiable and not a sticking point or deal breaker.
They’re just as happy with a normal looking chick they can more authentically imagine having sex with because they aren’t substantially hot.
So they put these chicks in high places and the uglies start thinking they aren’t ugly….throwing off the whole balance of the human species…