Sydney Sweeney Titty in a Red Dress of the Day

Sydney Sweeney got paid to wear a red dress with her rockin tits.

It’s not that exciting, but her and her team postured this series of Q4 advertising deliverables for success.

She gets paid stupid to promote these brands because she is one of the more viral of celebs thanks to her tits.

Now she’s a hero who has overcome so much, because the internet called her fat due to her weight gain they are drawing attention to that no one actually cares about, when really they should be calling her face inbred, fetal alcohol syndrome or dopey…

Calling her fat is retarded, even with the weight gain they want you to notice and debate for marketing purposes….

Calling her overrated and weirdly faced is another story.

Either way, they are rolling out the end of year cash grab, with the tits.

Sydney Sweeney Titty in a Red Dress of the Day December 20th, 2024