In the event you haven’t realized, Britney Spears videos are the most interesting thing being put out in this mindless pop culture cycle that has been 2024.
I could do some year end wrap up or review where I dig through my google analytics and let you know what the most popular posts of the year were.
However, being blocked by google means that no posts go viral accidentally. Not having social media means no posts go viral accidentally. Not doing any marketing means no posts go viral accidentally. Not having link partners mean no posts go viral.
So every post has the same number of 3-5 views.
Which means I must take it upon myself, use my own analytical brain, and figure out the hottest story of the year, which I have done here and now by posting Britney Spears in her black thong doing an awkward dance.
The re-animating of the Britney Corpse using AI technology that is on the Blockchain is just everything you’d want from the demonic AI future ahead of us.
I’m into lingerie, girls dancing in lingerie and most importantly…thongs.
I’m also into the 00s, which were a far simpler time when we were in the dark and weren’t obvious victims of the globalist conspiracy.
We could mindlessly eat our affordable foods, stare at paparazzi pics of celebrities who didn’t waste their time producing social media content because they were too important for that kind of thing, they weren’t pushing branded products on us aggressively or launching their billion dollar instagram brands.
It was a simpler time, where I also liked half naked chicks dancing in thongs.
Sure, Britney’s in her 40s which is disgusting if she’s still alive, but this probably isn’t Britney, yet I will accept it as new Britney Content because it’s new to me, even if it was shot 10 years ago before they strapped her to a bed in her basement and medicated her into the fleshy vegetable they’ll wake up if they need a public appearance and can’t get away with using the body double.
Is she a ghost, is she animation, is she a zombie, is she digitally rendered, is this old content, is this body double? Who cares, it’s all that mattered in 2024.
Bring on 2025 motherfuckers.