Alessandra Ambrosio must be in her 50s by now.
She wasn’t the most impressive of the VS models when VS was using hot chicks to sell product as the main foundation of their business model that lasted something like 30 fucking years before they gave into the pressures of the 1 percent woke mob that ruined fucking everything…
Sure, VS were accused human traffickers that created Epstein, or at least financed him and gave him his Lolita Express….but that doesn’t mean it worked out terribly for everyone involved, like Ambrosio and the other Brazilians they were excited about….because they had a Brazilian fetish harder than your friend into Trannies before there were trannies in North America…and you had to travel for that shit.
So this one, never that impressive, but always fucking there….is in a bikini shot by the paparazzi.
This is an ancient tradition of man from a pre-internet era that the social media freaks may not understand.
The idea that they are so important others take pics of them doesn’t process for them because they think they are so important and take pics of themselves.
But there was a time when it worked the other way around.
Since people hate celebs, I doubt there will be a Paparazzi revival, but some of you may still like the whole voyeuristic nature of sluts in bikinis being captured on camera by perverts….even if they are old as shit like Ambrosio.
The good news, she’s not fat, her ROT not as bad as most girls rot…..