The Grammy Awards may be a piece of shit event that celebrates shitty music that’s already overly celebrated because these assholes get paid too much.
They are the event where Kanye went viral for dissing Taylor Swift, which was deserved because Taylor Swift is trash…..even though he was dissing Taylor Swift while defending Beyonce, who is probably a bigger satanic demon than Taylor Swift.
I’m not against Kanye West, the media manipulator who likes manipulating the minds of the retard masses….
I’m just more into his Italian wife with the big sloppy naturals who he parades around naked because he’s convinced her that it’s art, or she’s being paid well, or it’s all part of some elaborate scheme.
Ultimately, I’m more into a bitch fully clothed, going back to the Victorian era where jerking off to ankles was all we needed, probably something the Muslim culture is into outside of fucking goats….rather than a fully spread and fisted bitch….
However, I am lazy, our minds are lazy, so give us the nudity without effort and we’re good.