Emily Ratajkowski Nude Pics to Start the Week of the Day

I am the most inconsistent person on the internet….true fucking story…when this Emily Ratajkowski bitch first dropped…I was excited…I thought…shit…this girls a fucking babe and she gets naked in fashion shoots…while trying to launch an acting career…that’s amazing….and so I started POSTING ON HER JOURNEY…like it fucking mattered…


But now all I see is phony LA bullshit….maybe I’m just not horny cuz my wife is hard breathing next to me and giving me the eye….

Seriously…Implants, Fake Lips….starvation…fake hotness that makes a bitch look like she’s morphing into a tranny…

I still like looking at her…and I dig that she does erotica on her quest to fame and fortune…and I dig that her nakedness is all that is working for her in that quest….

But I think I jumped the gun…she’s not as hot as I originally thought….

But then again this may all stem from the fact she’s blocked me on twitter.

I’m sensitive.

Emily Ratajkowski Nude Pics to Start the Week of the Day October 21st, 2012