Kelly Brook’s Amazing Cellphone Skills at the James Bond Premiere of the Day

Kelly Brook must be really celebrating that abortion she got a few years back at a turning point in her career where getting pregnant meant throwing in the towel…and giving up on her dreams…while getting rid of it by staging a miscarriage meant getting some press and having another run at this showing off her titty thing…and I guess it worked cuz she landed a huge budget movie where she co-starred naked with a porn star….and a few major topless photoshoot gigs smearing her abortion on herself….cuz her tits are bananas…and now this…invited to the James Bond premiere like she hasn’t fucked all the cast and crew and various points in her rise to the top career….and all I know is she did a horrible job documenting the experience…or at least her tits during the experience…cuz this is some jobber bootleg instagram shit…step your game up and learn how to attention whore proper woman…you only have another year or two left.

All this to say, I am a fan of KELLY BROOK or at least her tits….even when she’s posting pics of her fat ass in lingerie all over the internet….like some kind of harlot…..

Kelly Brook’s Amazing Cellphone Skills at the James Bond Premiere of the Day October 24th, 2012