Rihanna Gets Bible for X-Mas then Defies Religion of the Day

Sure, Rihanna’s badly shot Christmas pics for instagram are hardly as exciting as MILEY’S MUCH ANTICIPATED MASTURBATION MUSIC VIDEO …but I still found it funny

Partially because I assume that she got her dead grandmother’s bible, because clearly her religious family must hate that she’s got no soul…that she defies everything religion represents..and they are trying to ground her….

But also because right after she posted the bible pic, she posted this pic mocking jesus…

And this video of her at 10 am at all night rave that started at 3 am drinking…that is fuelled with molly…one of Christianity’s most favorite drug…

Hypocrite who sold her soul to the devil, just surprised she didn’t burst into flames…

Good idol for our youth.

Rihanna Gets Bible for X-Mas then Defies Religion of the Day December 26th, 2013