Avril Lavigne in a Bikini of the Day

Avril Lavigne thanked South America for being her fans by posting this bikini picture to instagram…because what better way to control your bikini pics than to post it yourself, since The PAPARAZZI VERSIONS are such shit…

What better way to say thank you than through half nakedness, I mean isn’t that how all careers are built….

I guess North America doesn’t really give a fuck about her, and South America loves everything that was once big in North America, they don’t give up and pay for tickets, which is where these idiots make money, giving these shitty artists longevity, even when they aren’t real artist, but more clowns milking something they had at 15, well into their 30s….

And what it comes down to is….Nickelback comes inside this and that disturbs me…

Avril Lavigne in a Bikini of the Day May 19th, 2014