Natasha Lyonne’s Nipple in a Bikini of the Day

Natasha Lyonne was the dumpy girl from Slums of Beverly Hills…who got really fucking dumpy when she developed some sort of drug addiction, as Hollywood starlets often do…she was never hot, but at one point in time, was busty in a good way, not in a her body caught the fuck up with her….and now, many years later, she’s on the beach with a tit hanging out, possibly something that we would have liked in the late 90s, definitely something I don’t hate today, even if some Free The Nipples are perfect candidates for “maybe you shouldn’t free the nipple, there’s a shirt over there for you to cover up”…

But I guess since she’s on Orange is the New Black or OITNB, like the people of social media like to call it, up on some NKOTB shit…and since OITNB just dropped on netflix last night…these are just so strategically timed it is almost offensive…

I don’t even remember the last time I wrote about this monster…oh it was in 2011 …a better time..where I wrote more about my experiences with fat jewish girls…than the fat jewish girl i was posting pics of…I guess when I still had fun..before giving up at life…

Natasha Lyonne’s Nipple in a Bikini of the Day June 12th, 2015