Brie Larson Fake Laughing With her Tits Out of the Day

Brie Larson is a fake bitch. A scam. A wanted to be famous so fucking bad and felt she had what it took so she kept going to auditions…and for some reason her agents got her on that Oscar winning movie that had nothing to do with her…and everything to do with the writing….and now she can be the sell out super hero trash with the big payout she always wanted to be…all while not being hot, interesting or cool…and the only funny thing is that she dumped her longterm boyfriend when she got famous…you know cuz she outgrew him…where’s that guy…let’s get an interview with him on the real life experience of a slut like Brie Larson…


Brie Larson Fake Laughing With her Tits Out of the Day December 19th, 2019