New fetish alert that you probably knew you already had – because you sit at the mall this time of year, and on most weekends, cuz you have nothing better to do, watching girls walking or running down stairs just to see the titty bounce….I hear you….but I was more of a hide under the stairs to look up any skirts that may be coming down the stairs and that vantage point is terrible to spot titty bounce….so I just never was exposed to it…
Unfortunately, this new run down the stairs fetish is being RUINED because it is of Brie Larson and she is shit…
She’s one of those overly eager to be famous piles of shit the pollutes the streets of LA, who tried everything before finally landing a “meaningful” role that won her an Oscar to allow her to book SUPERHERO movies cuz they fucking pay. It’s never been about the art or performing, it’s been about being praised by people and being paid. She is what is wrong with Hollywood and why movies suck, celebrities suck and the whole thing is just a bunch of losers being celebrated instead of a bunch of people we are drawn to because they are awesome…
So watching her titty bounce with new fame…fucking sucks….but that doesn’t mean I won’t take her lead and park myself next to a staircase to watch the titties running…I’m thinking of hitting the Montreal metro system….you know those late for work, trying to rush home for the holidays, not wanting to miss the train titties are probably the most bouncy….where as mall stairs may be too laid back and need that sense of urgency, or being chased to make it really have the right effect…or is it affect…I don’t know english is my second language…go ask your High School english teacher you fuck, mine is likely dead.
Posted in:Brie Larson|SFW