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Archive for the Brie Larson Category




Brie Larson’s Bikini Pictures from 2 Weeks Ago of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I think Brie Larson is a total fraud and that she must have imposter syndrome, knowing in her soul that she’s not worthy of being an A-List actor, no matter how bad she wanted, or how many dicks she sucked and manipulated to get it, she’s just not very good.

I’m sure she’s the kinda of actress who fucks her Oscar statue, like a catholic raised got would fuck her family’s crucifix, all in some sort of weird psychological domination….like “I own you Oscar, now fill my sad pussy”…..only she knows in her soul the Oscars were rigged and that she only got that thing as part of a global strategy to make money off her.

There’s just no star power, no presence, despite the success or the group of loser dudes who jerk off to her.

That’s not a status thing, those guys will jerk off to anything, they can’t control themselves, they see “Girl” and they go mental, they don’t even have to be hot girls, they don’t even have to be told they are hot girls by the media, like we are with Brie Larson….they just have to be girls….

So to the guys who jerk off to girls like mindless retards, she’s fine, since she’s presumably got a pussy…but outside of that…she’s really not all that graet.

That’s why it took me 15 days to see these bikini videos, if she mattered she’d be top of the charts and viral, but instead she’s just an unimpressive Oscar winner with a fat bank account people pretend to like…

The fact that the old lady body that looks like one of those marathon running divorcees who found a life of running compulsively after her life collapsed, or like someone dying of cancer in their early 40s…which is not necessarily what anyone would consider hot…they’d still jerk off to it…but it’s not hot…

We have to remember that Larson attempted a teen pop career when she was around 18 years old, which bgy the looks of her was last century….but it didn’t work…because she doesn’t have it…so they threw her into acting, anyone can act.

She won the Oscar because they made her play some locked in a shed weak woman kidnapped that she actually looks the part of thanks to that whole being starved, exhausted, disgusting look to her…and if you can get past the fact that no abductor in the world would actually abduct such a boring chick, even to use as a fuck toy he breeds in his basement, she’s semi believable in the part….only because she looked locked away for a decade…

Anyway, she’s rich, in Europe and apparently has a groupie friend that panders to her and probably can’t believe she’s on an all expense paid trip with an old lady from the TV and Movie screen….and she was in a swimsuit…and it wasn’t that eventful proven in that it took me weeks to post it….despite having LOTS to say about Brie Larson’s lack of sex appeal and lie that became an A-List career.

Fuck, I’d do Brie Larson is ugly and overrated posts all day if she fed me the shameless smut to post along with it….

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Lacks Sex Appeal of the Day

They keep trying to tell me that Brie Larson is hot…

They keep pushing her on me like she’s some kind of a-list actress.

They give her the work, they pay her the money, she’s in the scene….but I just can’t see past the simple fact that she’s not hot at all.

Sure she works out, but that may even make her worse…all skeletal and muscular in the wrong way….

I get that actors can’t be that hot, they are rarely that hot, they want us to connect with them and we can’t actually connect with beautiful people in the way we connect with average looking chicks pretending to be beautiful….

But they don’t even position this as inclusivity or diversity, let the girl next door you’d never notice unless you were drunk and with erection have a shot at this fame thing…..they instead sneak her in and expect us to not notice.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Half Naked in the Sauna of the Day

Brie Larson doing a detox in the sauna half naked and not actually naked because she’s a fucking fraud and doesn’t understand how saunas work….you’re supposed to be naked and getting sodomized by gays with aids…but maybe that’s just my sauna experience.

She needs to do a detox or jump on health and wellness trends because the actress looks like she’s in her late 50s….when she is apparently not….is it sun damage, a vegan diet….or is she just haggard from all the dick sucks it took to win the Oscar that got her into the high paid position she is in which makes no sense other than Hollywood needs vagina for nerds to connect with and it can’t be too good that it is not believable.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson’s Slutty Selfie of the Day

Brie Larson looks to be in her mid to late 40s, so despite her being marketed to us as some hot babe in the commercial bullshit movies that Hollywood likes to throw 100s of millions of dollars at, because it pays them billions of dollars in returns, she’s not that hot.

They can tell us she’s hot, she can work out and get fit, they can put her in tight clothing, but without the Taylor Swift level of marketing push behind her, I don’t think she’d really even get noticed.

There’s a large group of people who just buy into what they are told, so if they are told that she’s hot, they are too lazy to question it, too form an opinion of their own, it’s just easier to let the corporations do the thinking for us….and it’s worked out nicely for Brie Larson because her slutty selfies don’t even need to be slutty and perverts out there will still jack off to it because that’s just how sold they are on the whole thing.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Does her Best Leprechaun of the Day

I guess it is St Patrick’s Day this weekend, because people are all dressed up for St Patrick’s day because they are a gang of fucking assholes.

I don’t know if this Brie Larson paying tribute to her Irish roots, because the plaid is usually something you equate to the Scottish, but since I find her an unappealing troll of a woman, I’m running with it and saying she’s being a creepy fucking leprechaun…after you steal its pot of gold…which clearly Brie Larson stole, pulling some kind of witch craft scheme that has tricked or brain washed you all to think she’s hot, talented and that she matters.

She is the Taylor Swift of the Hollywood Machine, but at least Taylor Swift writes her own shitty songs I can’t believe people like at the level they like it….because actors are far more useless than musicians.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson on the Balcony Looking Old as Shit of the Day

Here’s some Brie Larson looking like a granny, out on the balcony having a smoke, because in her mind it is still the 1940s when everyone smoked….not that she’s smoking, but if she was, it would justify her hard fucking face….you know a weathered looking chain smoking woman.

She is looking at the camera with confusion, probably because she was born in a time before the camera existed, back when it was written word on the printing press…and illustrations by artists…but clearly she’ll navigate it, rough neck and all, because she’s a super star A-List celebrity getting paid.

I just wonder if her loose neck skin adds to the throat game when trying to get those high paid jobs, but I remember that she’s probably done with all that because she’s made it and the hive mind think she’s hot….

I don’t know why, but they do….

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson’s Old Face and Old Hands of the Day

Brie Larson is positioned or marketed as a hot chick….

That’s fucking confusing…it’s even more confusing than Taylor Swift, because I get that Taylor Swift sucks, but so does the general population so buying into relatable lyrics that they can cry to when they are going through their own self involved bullshit…

Where as Brie Larson is a bullshit actress in bullshit movies that she is overpaid for while being a totally unrelateable personality from her weird celebrity brat existence…who thinks she’s better than us..

All while she looks like she’s 100 fucking years old in face and in hands…owning something that shouldn’t be owned.

Put her on the shelf to die!

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson’s Selfie of the Day

Brie Larson made the mistake of posting this selfie, where she looks like the weird refugee that landed in your elementary school back when you were a kid and not used to immigration, you know where she dressed like a fucking lunatic because of her communist background where they don’t learn how to dress themselves…but now that they get all that free donated clothes they can be as creative as their autism allows….

She’s looking rough, she’s looking like a retard given free will because she’s rich and can run her own life, but most importantly, she looks menopausal…like the crazy old lady at the home….

So don’t buy into her being some hot A-Lister…this selfie says ALL…

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Goes to the Critic Choice Awards and Bores Everyone of the Day

Brie Larson claims to be 34, but looks more like a 47 year old mom of 4 headed to her first child’s wedding, when in fact she’s a top rated, top paid actress headed to some exclusive bullshit award show that no one but the celebs involved actually give a shit about. We’re too busy being self involved assholes to give a shit about dancing monkeys who are paid to entertain us in shitty movies and TV shows and Gossip stories that are far less interesting than they should be. We use you dancing monkeys but I guess the dancing monkeys win in the end because they are rich off all of our backs.

Either way, Brie Larson has been a try hard for a long time, she ended up with that Oscar win that seemed like it was by design or calculated, it opened up A-List roles, like the Oscar win is the official deal with the devil that makes all your dreams come true….and through it all she’s been barely hot.

Some people buy into the marketing and truly believe she’s hot, but this is her looking her best, after hours of glam, god knows how much BOTOX and she still looks like an average mom in the grocery store, which isn’t really the look anyone wants from their “a-listers”…..

The good news is that she seems like she knows she’s a fraud. Even her name is fake, she’s actually Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers. Never trust a woman with a STAGE NAME.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson’s Old Weathered Weirdness of the Day

If you had to choose between a Brie Larson or a baked brie, you’d have to go with the baked brie, because both may be mouldy and cheesy, both look like are melting and gooey but only one is actually delicious.

So as we go into the holiday season, this is a good reminder that the Baked Brie offered as one of the apps at your holiday party is a win compared to a Brie Larson…who as you know, I believe is a scam, a lie, an overrated monster who doesn’t even believe she’s a star and is consistently overcompensating for that lie and ultimatey, she’s just not that hot, fit maybe, old looking for sure…but not worthy of the pay day she gets.

I do not believe ANYONE goes to a movie to see Larson…and if they do…they’re fucked in the head…

Posted in:Brie Larson