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Archive for the Brie Larson Category




Brie Larson’s Right Tit of the Day

I guess Brie Larson is still pretending she’s a hot celebrity that people jerk off to and not some bought and owned puppet who they market as a hot chick, even though she’s not a hot chick, because they know that the general population can be brain washed and propagandized easily…..IF we tell them this is hot pussy, they’ll buy into it and believe it is hot pussy, since they have no minds of their own…

There’s nothing more offensive to me, I mean there probably is, but for the sake of this post, there is nothing more offensive to me that the taking of a dopey pile of shit of an aspiring actress, realizing that they own her and can thus control her to put out their messaging, so that they decide to play her like she’s hot as shit and important as shit, putting her in important movies, campaigns, magazines, all while NOT being hot…

They did it was Scar Jo, they did it with Jennifer Lawrence, there are so many NOT hot celebs that are the jerk off material to those few people still into celebs, which lucky for us is dying, not lucky for me, since this is a celeb titty site no one needs to check out, because they know Brie Larson is dog shit ugly, and that even when her tit is out for attention, she’s dog shit ugly with a tit pulled out…..we’re not idiots…..and sure, we’d all still follow her home to sneak into her garage, to profess our love to her when she finally falls asleep, we’re not crazy, we just know she doesn’t live up to the hype, but here’s that right tit…

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Hard Nipples of the Day

I think Brie Larson is channeling or tapping into her slave training through trauma based mind control, getting right into character or that alter ego, since actors are so fucking weird they don’t even know who their core and real self is, they are just so inauthentic that they are this amalgamation of all their characters, who they think they are supposed to be, their public persona, their cunty behind closed door persona and all that other shit that makes them basically psychopaths you should avoid!

But yeah, Brie Larson’s been in it since she was young, she may look old, battered and beat up now, but it wasn’t an overnight success, they had to humiliate her as a pop star, before deciding to give her an oscar winning performance to get her paid after paying her dues, so you can assume that DICKS were sucked along the way, she’s not impressive enough to have no sucked dick to get to the top!

So either she’s behaving like a child with her hair done up like a child, with some child’s shirt on with her tits out because she’s a pervert who finds this infantilism shit hot, or she was made that way, but besides visible nips, which I saw on three girls outside the grocery store today, like FULL fucking nips, so it’s not this HUGE deal to see a celebrity do it, you just have to wonder way, cuz it’s fucking creepy!

Since you’re creepy, you probably subscribe to it, since Brie Larson is gross to me, I think her hard nips are similar to seeing a dude’s hard nips at the gym, not that I go to the gym, but that’s where I assume male hard nip happens!

Point of the story, Brie Larson is a scam, I will not accept her as an a-lister, but I will accept her as a pervert playing a little girl for her self shot sex porn selfies!


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Bikini Bottoms of the Day

Brie Larson is a fucking hack, she’s phoney try hard across the board, and that applied to her attempt at a pop career in the 90s when she was first getting started, since she’s old as shit, it applies to her living off a man while she was trying to get her bearings, only to leave him when she got famous, it applies to her Oscar winning performance that was bought, and that would have got any actor who played that abused, held captive, mom of a bratty Canadian kid an Oscar, but it happened to be her, the lottery win that has allowed you to really embrace and appreciate her love for the acting craft as she only does big budget comic book action blockbuster trash, which is appropriate since she’s overpaid trash.

If any celebrity should have Imposter Syndrome, it’s Larson, there’s just nothing compelling, intersting, inspiring, or hot about her.

Even her slutty content for social media, that she’s clearly pushing for momentum, likes and follows, because the fans don’t care about her, even though they REALLY want to care about her, you know nerds, you can sell them anything and they’ll by into it for as long and with as much enthusiasm or passion as they can, so even if a bitch isn’t hot, if she’s in their movie of choice they get boners for her, it’s not an achievement really, or an accomplishment, it’s just manipulating weak sad lonely men with bikinis.

Anyway, her feet terrify me, but I’m not a foot fetishist, those long veiny things may be desireable in that WIKIFEET FOOT SELLER realm………her legs, skinny, but not in a good way, looking like she’s starving herself and overdoing the cardio like some kind of mom dealing with her anxiety issues through jogging, you’ve seen them as their leggings sag off their mom asses, which I guess she is old enough to be….but isn’t, cuz she’s too busy LYING.

The general verdict is that she looks like a starving meth addict, or Anne Heche on a leisurely drive, but a movie star, I’m not getting that energy, but I guess I’m also not privy to her bank accounts that don’t make her any hotter to me…….but maybe hot enough to K-Fed if the opportunity arose….but that’s a whole other fantasy that can be applied to any woman willing to pay my way, I mean thanks to my fat wife, I haven’t paid rent since the 90s, so I can post nonsense like this for unappreciative pricks like you.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Bruised Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who told Brie Larson that she’s a babe who deserves to act like other babes on the internet with the whole posting half nakede for attention.

The idea that this bottom feeding dick sucker who tried so fucking hard to get famous for the bulk of her career, because she got started pretty young, but never quite hit because no one found her that impressive, until deciding to find her impressive, which is probably when souls were sold or back room deals at the ritualistic Hollywood parties were made, plotting the course of her career from Oscar winner in some indie movie anyone would have won an Oscar for, to A-list pay in the Comic book movies they make for China and low hanging minds of America to sustain their movie making business with clickbait dog shit.

So I guess people who get marketed to easily have decided she’s a sex symbol, she’s lt it get to her head, and has taken it to the gym, to get those abs and fit body that looks like a middle aged mom who jogs too much to deal with her terrible life choices….

She’s got this big dopey looking head you’d expect to see at the lesbian knitting club, in the library getting books on vegan remedies for her cats, and nothing about her says rockstar, celebrity, hot chick, YOUNG and vibrant…

SHE IS AN IMPOSTER….but when half naked pics happen and they feature some bruises you can pretend she got fucking, because she probably does fuck, what else is she fucking doing while pretending to be a celebrity…..we post them for the idiots who have been marketed to and confuse her for being hot.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Trying to be Hot of the Day

Here’s some bobble head bitch named Brie Larson, who you may know from her pop career that never got off the ground, so her team decided to repackage her as an A-Lister, all without having any STAR POWER at all….

She’s the fakes A-Lister around who should go to bed at night knowing that no one buys into her A-List shit no matter how many high paid roles they put her in because they are struggling to survive in Hollywood…

She looks like she tastes like balls….her balls, not career advancing balls, but that’s probably because she looks aged out…and masculine…

I usually endorse fit girls over fat girls, fitness over all..and I am sure a fit Brie Larson is hotter than a fat Brie Larson but when you’re this shit, it’s all shit…

Point being the fakest a-lister….who I consider the TWITTER spam bot of celebrity is out here being like “look, I’ve got a toned stomach from my action start fitness routine, where even my slutty outfit looks like it’s covering up a 9 inch dick”…

What I am saying is, fitness isn’t always hot, sometimes it’s gay…and when it’s Brie Larson, it’s FAKE AND GAY.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Tries the Pole of the Day

I don’t know why or how Brie Larson even manages to make her legs look like they are old lady calves, but bitch manages to pull it the fuck off….if anything, maybe that’s her talent, since I haven’t managed to find anything else about her that merits any of the celberity or hype she has, if anything, she’s one of the primary examples of how Hollywood has failed hard in their creation of celebrity, because even when I see the nerd losers into the comic book stories get a hard on for her, I don’t believe them.

In the past, with other action movie sluts, that the nerds attach themselves to in weird fucking ways, I’ve believed them…

This time around,, there is no way anyone actually buys into Brie Larson, they are faking it, they are pretending, they have a need to groupie on a celebrity, a want to groupie on a celebrity…..they want to make a lifesize version of them to sleep with and cum on, or they want to carve their bust out of solidified cum they saved in a bucket for every time they cum to them…..you know the kind of guy who stages fake marriages to cardboard cut outs….the lining up at comicon hoping to give 250 dollars to a bitch for an autograph…you get where I am going with this…

Yet this bitch, a profession actor, with a fit looking body, manages to turn even the slutty thing like polee dancing in skimpy whore shorts, while clearly playing it up the best way she can, into the least sexual pole dance content I’ve ever seen…and I’ve seen some bad pole dancing content….just last year I saw two fat lesbian goth looking bitches in the park with a portable pole to practice and it was hotter than this knowing they eat each other out….

Brie Larson, who tried being a popstar first, CLEARLY, didn’t make it as a popstar, but befriended the right people to try to fake it til she made it, and I guess she made it but I don’t believe anyone’s got past her faking it, like we ALL know she doesn’t belong as an A-Lister, OSCAR or not….she’s a scam….or at least really fucking ugly, and she keeps getting uglier, even her fit body can’t change that….she’s gotta be in her 40s….this is a middle age divorcee at the local pole class to add spice to her now single life after 6 months of starving herself from her life collapsing…it’s gotta be…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Armpit Fetish of the Day

I used to know an armpit fetishists, at the time it was a weird fucking thing, he’d have girls grow out their armpit hair for him to actually fuck their armpits, but I’m sure now it’s a standard fetish, like feet or used panties, that no one thinks twice of when a dude starts licking the pheromones out of their pits, or when dudes start begging to cum on their tits, because I guess they see it as non threatening, maybe less invasive than being cummed inside, or on their faces, it’s practically their tits…right? No…it’s fucking weird and I don’t know what went wrong in your life…even though I’ve licked pits in my life and can see some of the animalistic appeal..but I’m not some sicko about to jerk off to pits like they come in different calibers of hotness, all PITS are the same level of not that attractive…I don’t have any pit preference except I’m not into fat armpits…because that’s just gross….

Since I find Brie Larson a bullshit celebrity, a bullshit Oscar winner, a bullshit comic book franchise player….and not hot at all..even in her fitness…even with some tit….I figure the only person into this is a victim of marketing, it’s not your fault, they have budgets and know how to trick you…or someone into armpits…which is really where I’d like to see Brie Larson’s career go….forgotten by the industry…straight to fucking ARMPIT FETISH dvds to pay the bills…but I guess I never get what I want but in this case…ARMPIT FETISHISTS do..


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Sucks of the Day

All I want for Christmas is for people to realize that Brie Larson fucking sucks. She’s an overrated try hard who is barely hot…and really the only thing I respect about her is that she tries to offset her overrated hotness with fitness because you can fake being hot with a fit body but more importantly that she’s got a wrinkled old face that she’s not shy about showing people…WHICH by definition in this ERA of AI is a bold fucking move, but one that allows us to at least pretend she’s actually a HUMAN fucking being amongst a bunch of CGI pieces of shit.

I don’t think she deserves that top billing of top tier talent…despite the Oscar, but I do think she deserves credit for accepting that she’s aging like a sack of bodyparts you left in your basement cuz you’re weird….NOT VERY WELL…but still fuckable because you’re weird.

Plus she’s got tits and that fit body…so maybe hating her is a mistake on my part, but I won’t go that far yet, since she still feels good to hate.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Tit of the Day

Brie Larson is one of the most overrated actors in the fucking game. I mean they are all overrated and unimpressive but there’s this TRANSITION or TRANSGRESSION, I don’t know the fucking word I am thinking about, but a TRANSFER from being a desparate low hanging dick sucker who would do anything to get noticed….selling the idea to the right decision maker….by any means possible….so they choose her out of the barrel of thirsty actors who DREAM of fame….to get the Oscar winning role they’ll use to get the ACTION MOVIE role….because it doesn’t require any real ACTING chops, just some physicality, some CGI, some basic plots and characters and scripts so it can be easily translated for the CHINESE market…where the real money is….because HOLLYWOOD is dead and unimpressive people like Brie Larson they pretend or package as stars are the fucking proof.

If you find this clown hot, you’re just brainwashed by the system bro..but then again, when her tits are out, she’s at her hottest, so I’ll let her have it…

I WILL NOT LET HER TITS PUT ME UNDER THE SPELL OF HER WITCHCRAFT TITTIES….fuck…I am so easily manipulated….and so are you!


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Black Snake Moan of the Day

Here’s no ass Brie Larson who is far too old to be seen as the “hottest” chick in Hollywood, but yet she gets cast in this garbage blockbuster movies, that I guess don’t require any real acting skills, since there’s no plot, story, just ACTION and simplicity so that it can be understood in CHINA where they make all their money with these movies….

She’s not impressive, even her OSCAR WINNING ROLE that got her to this place was a fucking plant, and I’ll assume that in her long drawn out rise to the top that started when she was a teen, but that didn’t actually produce anything decent, ended with her making a deal with the devil so that she can finally be that star she knew in her soul that she could be….you know….money and acting jobs get to a bitches head when their whole life has been about achieving that….

Not that I know Brie Larson, I’m just making assumptions based on how long it took her to get here and how BORING she is now that she is here.

Even watching her chained up like some kind of sex dungeon dweller for the real sickos out there into the old fashioned BDSM….ass first is a giant who fucking cares it looks like she shit her sloppy ass pants….

People hype her up, I believe they are paid off or brainwashed…propaganda works and her career is PROOF.

You don’t think she’s hot, you think all pussy is hot, you’d fuck a tree live, or dead, if it had something that looked like a cunt or tits…I KNOW you…you just think she’s hot because you’re told she’s hot, and you’re like “fine, I’ll run with that”….but in your core…I know you know…DON’T FALL FOR IT!


Posted in:Brie Larson