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Archive for the Brie Larson Category




Brie Larson Sucks of the Day

All I want for Christmas is for people to realize that Brie Larson fucking sucks. She’s an overrated try hard who is barely hot…and really the only thing I respect about her is that she tries to offset her overrated hotness with fitness because you can fake being hot with a fit body but more importantly that she’s got a wrinkled old face that she’s not shy about showing people…WHICH by definition in this ERA of AI is a bold fucking move, but one that allows us to at least pretend she’s actually a HUMAN fucking being amongst a bunch of CGI pieces of shit.

I don’t think she deserves that top billing of top tier talent…despite the Oscar, but I do think she deserves credit for accepting that she’s aging like a sack of bodyparts you left in your basement cuz you’re weird….NOT VERY WELL…but still fuckable because you’re weird.

Plus she’s got tits and that fit body…so maybe hating her is a mistake on my part, but I won’t go that far yet, since she still feels good to hate.

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Tit of the Day

Brie Larson is one of the most overrated actors in the fucking game. I mean they are all overrated and unimpressive but there’s this TRANSITION or TRANSGRESSION, I don’t know the fucking word I am thinking about, but a TRANSFER from being a desparate low hanging dick sucker who would do anything to get noticed….selling the idea to the right decision maker….by any means possible….so they choose her out of the barrel of thirsty actors who DREAM of fame….to get the Oscar winning role they’ll use to get the ACTION MOVIE role….because it doesn’t require any real ACTING chops, just some physicality, some CGI, some basic plots and characters and scripts so it can be easily translated for the CHINESE market…where the real money is….because HOLLYWOOD is dead and unimpressive people like Brie Larson they pretend or package as stars are the fucking proof.

If you find this clown hot, you’re just brainwashed by the system bro..but then again, when her tits are out, she’s at her hottest, so I’ll let her have it…

I WILL NOT LET HER TITS PUT ME UNDER THE SPELL OF HER WITCHCRAFT TITTIES….fuck…I am so easily manipulated….and so are you!


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Black Snake Moan of the Day

Here’s no ass Brie Larson who is far too old to be seen as the “hottest” chick in Hollywood, but yet she gets cast in this garbage blockbuster movies, that I guess don’t require any real acting skills, since there’s no plot, story, just ACTION and simplicity so that it can be understood in CHINA where they make all their money with these movies….

She’s not impressive, even her OSCAR WINNING ROLE that got her to this place was a fucking plant, and I’ll assume that in her long drawn out rise to the top that started when she was a teen, but that didn’t actually produce anything decent, ended with her making a deal with the devil so that she can finally be that star she knew in her soul that she could be….you know….money and acting jobs get to a bitches head when their whole life has been about achieving that….

Not that I know Brie Larson, I’m just making assumptions based on how long it took her to get here and how BORING she is now that she is here.

Even watching her chained up like some kind of sex dungeon dweller for the real sickos out there into the old fashioned BDSM….ass first is a giant who fucking cares it looks like she shit her sloppy ass pants….

People hype her up, I believe they are paid off or brainwashed…propaganda works and her career is PROOF.

You don’t think she’s hot, you think all pussy is hot, you’d fuck a tree live, or dead, if it had something that looked like a cunt or tits…I KNOW you…you just think she’s hot because you’re told she’s hot, and you’re like “fine, I’ll run with that”….but in your core…I know you know…DON’T FALL FOR IT!


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Ass of the Day

Brie Larson is way too fucking hyped and I think it’s a prime example of how the media lies to us about basically everything.

I know her fan boys are blinded by her or how they marketed her, and they may even think her small and boring ass doing fitness as it likely does everyday because she’s got a career as a shitty comic character in shitty movies made for CHINA…because that’s where they placed her when they decided to let her win the OSCAR.

They need the big pay day ticket items, and she just happens to be the one of the era, but never before has it been so obvious that the system is fucking rigged, because even with all her money, access, and celebrity…she feels like that desperate attention seeking bottom feeder she was before the Oscar…releasing pop songs, doing shitty movies, just being shitty.

She’s pretty old now, which is probably why she doubles down on the fitness, all while remaining totally unimpressive…

If you look at her with a clear mind – you’ll see the lie right in front of you…or you can just look at her ass and appreciate the skinny musculature of it..which is really why I am posting it…IT IS ABOUT THE ASS not the ASSHOLE who OWNS the ass…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Fitness of the Day


Her name is Brie Larson, also known as an IMPOSTER pretending to be an A-List celebrity because the right team of people decided that her and her boring and substantial celebrity ass were worthy of getting an OSCAR WIN, to LEAD INTO the high paying Chinese Comic Book movies, you know cuz she’s an artist, a thespian…or someone who tried to be famous for so fucking long that someone finally threw a bone at her…

I know that people having been indoctrinated into believing that she’s HOTNESS…

I don’t believe you.

But I do believe that people will buy into anything they are told to buy into….because that’s fact.

I just don’t know why they don’t question, or have their own opinion of anything.

Probably just easier to let others do the thinking for you….

Thinking, like Blow Jobs, are Better than Someones Does it For You….unless it’s by force in a back alley by a gay biker.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Mesh of the Day

This just in, Brie Larson is an overrated, boxy bodied, pile of shit celebrity sell out who has been sucking dick and licking toilet seats to get to this place in her career…you know an eager young girl, ready to sell her soul to the industry that wasn’t ready for her, until they decided to make her into a high paid ticket item, even though nothing about her is interesting, inspiring, or even stands out as hot…

I know she’s got fans in the nerd world cuz she does that nerd shitty movies thing for China…but that doesn’t mean the fans are right…they are likely pretty pathetic humans to fan on actors who offer nothing to the world but actual fucking lies…

Her biggest lie, the Oscar win they bought….her second biggest lie, that she’s some sex figure, when she’s clearly just overrated and and fill in cuz they have no other celebrities out there to fill her spot….

She tries to post hot things like this, but always misses the fucking mark….

She’s so painfully average…but gets paid a lot so therefore she’s better than the others, at least that’s why she tells herself when lying to herself, since she knows she’s garbage more than we do…she has to actually live with herself…we just see the occasional unimpressive bodysuit..

I do hate on celebs, cuz they suck, but at least I don’t hate on vaccinated people and wish death upon them, like they do to the unvaccinated people, because I feel as though wishing death on people, even horrible people, is beneath me…even though nothing is beneath me…I am the bottom of the food chain…but that doesn’t mean she sucks any less than she does…..it just means I suck more.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson See Through of the Day

Over prescribed pussies on your anti depressants is my explanation of basically everything. Since I don’t talk to people, I don’t really know how bad the anti-depressant prescription rate is, but I do see memes and people are pretty fucking consistent on being addicted to anti-depressants instead of figuring out their fucking own shit, finding their own spiritual guide, their own meaning, instead of just being another clog in this society of AI influenced and manipulated….

AI is turning everyone into attention deficit, unhappy, instant gratification seeking, shells of humans….the SCREEN STOLE YOUR SOUL….just ask all the trannies, who didn’t know they were trannies, until GOOGLE showed them all the videos they needed to realize that’s the answer to all their sadness…”CUT YOUR DICK OFF….YOU ARE A LADY NOW….PEOPLE LIKE WOMEN”…only to discover they’re destined to never be a lady, no one accepts them as a true lady, and the only people paying to fuck them are doing it for the story or the fetish…..

POINT of the story is….you gotta be medicated to buy into the BRIE LARSON propaganda, and I mean all the other propaganda people are blindly trusting, because I know the people on the right side of all this, are the people who actually READ the reports because they don’t THINK for themselves…or THINK at all….while everyone on the other side questions NOTHING….not EVERYTHING THEY ARE TOLD….the only question NOTHING..

She is not hot, she is overpaid, Hollywood is DEAD…if you needed any PROOF OF THAT, this is it…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Sauna of the Day

Earlier today I came across a reddit account called JerkOfftoCelebs, which I sent to my friend who jerks off to celebs and asked if he was part of the movement of dudes talking about how they jerk off to celebs…

Such important posts included “Should I jerk off to Brie Larson’s tits on her Ass”….you know consulting the bros to have them direct your jerking off…pretty fucking queer…but it existed and who knows, maybe you’re that guy….I mean I am one of the older celebrity titty sites, that no one knows exists, but still…I’d assume you’d be a jerk off to celebs type…

Anyway, anyone with a brain would jerk off to Brie Larson’s tits, not her ass, even though she works out, but the real issue is why would you want to jerk off to Brie Larson, cuz she looks like an average at best girl in the park doing her mom bootcamp with other moms, I mean I get that she’s in the movies and paid heavy….I know her team even bought her an Oscar so that they could make an A-List out of her…but everything about her, even the tits, lack star power and she gives off IMPOSTER vibes….maybe that’s all part of her character work, figuring out how to fake being an A-lister when she knows she belongs on a Disney Cruise day care center humoring rich kids…

In conclusion, I don’t think her tits are real, but at least they distract from that old tired fake celebrity face….

If you’re a Brie Larson lover, you’ve been duped by the media man, get a fucking MIND of your own, because even after selling her soul and getting all that aborted fetus stem cells, she’s hotter than she was, but still not hot enough to be a top tier…

If you don’t agree with me, you’re just a fucking puppet too. Fuck you.


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson’s Clickbait for Nerds of the Day

I don’t know why Brie LArson feels the need to show everyone her athleticism, but I guess any angle works for the attention seeker who wanted fame so bad, but you can tell is not comfortable or authentic in her position as an A-Lister we’ll just assume she fell into, or fell on, with her cunt…

She’s trying to produce content for her nerd followers, cuz they are all nerd followers, you’d have to be someone who doesn’t get laid to think she’s hot, and lots of people aren’t getting laid, just ask OnlyFans for their stats…

Brie Larson doesn’t have an only fans, but is at the level of celebrity she doesn’t need one, but her raw talent and capabilities that I think her level of celebrity over-inflate, means she really should be an ex trying to be a popstar now selling pussy pics to perverts who really liked her back then…not some high ticket item that doesn’t make sense..

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Push Up Bikini of the Day

Brie Larson Pool

If I was to actually take the time to think about Brie Larson, it would pain me that her scam worked out for her, because she was an attention seeking, barely celebrity for a long fucking time, then someone decided she was the talent they could use for high ticket movies, and in order to get there, she had to win an Oscar…since the one thing these shit comic book movies need is Oscar winning actors…if anything it just reminds me that the Oscars are a fucking scam designed to get people higher paydays….you know now that they are in high demand they have limited time to do all projects…so the highest bidders get them…

Anyway, in her scamming Comic book, super stardom, she’s got a lot of nerds confused into thinking she’s hot, and I guess despite being old and rocking that rugged looking neck in her weirdly sexual posing by the pool, she’s pretty fit….starvation, working out, who knows, she’s an action star paid far too much, it’s the least she can do…

She’s been trying to do social media and is a reminder of how much of a loser she actually is, at least to people like me who can see through the trickery and sorcery she’s done to the industry by making them think she’s worthy of work….

I will never admit she’s A-List…but I will look at her tits in a bikini even if I don’t really like anything about it…they’re still tits and they shouldn’t be alienated even if their host body is a pile of shit…


Posted in:Brie Larson