I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson Sucks of the Day

All I want for Christmas is for people to realize that Brie Larson fucking sucks. She’s an overrated try hard who is barely hot…and really the only thing I respect about her is that she tries to offset her overrated hotness with fitness because you can fake being hot with a fit body but more importantly that she’s got a wrinkled old face that she’s not shy about showing people…WHICH by definition in this ERA of AI is a bold fucking move, but one that allows us to at least pretend she’s actually a HUMAN fucking being amongst a bunch of CGI pieces of shit.

I don’t think she deserves that top billing of top tier talent…despite the Oscar, but I do think she deserves credit for accepting that she’s aging like a sack of bodyparts you left in your basement cuz you’re weird….NOT VERY WELL…but still fuckable because you’re weird.

Plus she’s got tits and that fit body…so maybe hating her is a mistake on my part, but I won’t go that far yet, since she still feels good to hate.

Posted in:Brie Larson