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Archive for the Brie Larson Category




Brie Larson Butt Plug of the Day

Brie Larson Butt Plug

I saw this GIF last night and I’ve already linked to it twice….but I had no choice but to do the repost here and say “I THINK SHE HAS A BUTT PLUG IN”….

As you know I update StepSMUT.com daily…and the amount of butt plug insertion videos I see is at the level of absurd. It’s a trend and these girls rock their butt plugs all day…because I guess they way it makes them feel like they have to shit all day….

No, I haven’t ever had a butt plug in me, but I have had girls finger my ass a few times and it’s a giant uncomfortable whatever for me, so the fact that all these chicks have buttplugs in, maybe cuz it’s “cool”…I mean they are updating them to the internet for all to see so it is some level of clout….is weird…

But the more I watch this upshort video, the more I see the reflection of something that is likely a buttplug gem around where you’d expect to see her asshole.

If this is a butt plug, this would be the first celebrity butt plug flash, which isn’t shocking cuz I know celebs take it up the ass, it’s just shocking that they’d post it to IG…

Brie Larson Butt Plug


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Titty Top of the Day

Brie Larson Titty Top

Brie Larson is one of those overrated pieces of shit celebrities that I don’t really understand how she gamed the system, but for whatever reason her “team” decided to create a celebrity out of her….it took her YEARS to figure out how to breakthrough and she sure as fuck didn’t do it on her own…and throughout those embarrassing low level years of being a fucking loser…she came out a phoenix and you know she’s probably super pumped about it…because everyone is chasing the fucking dream…without even knowing why…”MUST BE FAMOUS”….”MUST BE A TOOL THAT IS PAID SHIT TONS OF MONEY TO PUSH SOME BULLSHIT ACTION MOVIE AGENDAS”…CUZ MOTHERFUCKERS need the high ticket items…

She is not hot, but she fucking tries, because that’s all part of the propaganda machine pushing the lie that she’s the top actress you need to pay attention to…when her star power is a fucking zero…but I don’t have any influence or impact in anything…MY OPINION doesn’t matter and Brie Larson is still living that bullshit American Dream life…I just stare at the tits…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson in a One Piece Swimsuit Being Overrated Dog Shit of the Day

I am going to EMBED these pics from Instagram because I am not interested in being sued by the paparazzi despite running this not for profit bullshit….and despite people of the internet being able to post the pics on their social media without consequence…making sites like this obsolete…which I guess isn’t the worse thing, I’ll be able to catch up on my sitting and staring at the wall when all is said and done.

I don’t think Brie Larson is interesting enough or hot enough to justify even having a post of her own, but she’s super famous due to a variety of scams she’s pulled in a 10 year trying to get famous scheme that worked because the industry needs high paid starlets to keep budgets up….

Sure she’s been working out, I guess when you have no soul and need to do soulless comic book movies for the paycheck…you have no real choice but to be fit….but more importantly…it’s her face that throws me off…I see nothing by DEMON when I look at her….which probably makes sense since she’s a product of an evil industry..

The funny thing is people fucking love her, even though she’s boring, has zero star power and there’s no reason to love her….but that’s the power of marketing…and manipulating your weak fucking minds…they do it everyday and you all buy into it…because you are fucking fools…

To see the rest of the pics of Brie Larson in a Butterfly Swimsuit Looking Like Shit

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Fitness Erotica of the Day

The BIGGEST scam in Hollywood is Brie Larson..

Everytime her and her team get her cast in a big movie and pretend that she’s this big deal A-Lister I laugh to myself….in a “I see what you are doing here money grubber, but I don’t buy it”…..

So they’ve launched some Youtube Channel for her to try to connect on that level, or at least make some of that social media money…I am sure a bikini line, fitness line, protein powder and any other online direct to consumer brand is around the corner for her…but for now…we have fitness…despite her not even looking all that fit…but Hollywood has the ability to manipulate our perceptions and buy into the lies…

I don’t doubt that Brie Larson works out all the time, she gets paid 10s of millions of dollars to be in the shitty comic book movies like the sell out she’s always been, I just don’t need her to be my fitness influencer…because she’s not hot…but also because the build up to this moment in her celebrity has been a fucking lie…she’s been scrambling to get famous since she was a kid, it worked out for her, but that doesn’t mean it’s deserved, especially when looking at her and knowing she’s a fucking lie..

I’ll still stare at her ass though, I may prefer broken down girls of the internet doing this thing and I may find Brie Larson overrated and disgusting…not deserving of the hype or paychecks she gets…but she’s a bitch in activewear using youtube videos as an excuse to show off her ass in tight pants and that makes me laugh…whether she is a spoiled brat who has polluted the air of Hollywood or not…ACTIVE WEAR is winning this round…but remember I don’t give a fuck which girl is in it…It’s the activewear I’m here for..


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson in a Tube Top of the Day

I hate the scam that is Brie Larson….just putting that energy out there to end the day cuz she fucking sucks!

Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Pussy Stretch of the Day

I saw someone bitching about the “FAN CASTS” he hates…meaning the people who get cast in these bullshit superhero movies that fucking suck but that make Hollywood a ton of fucking money because people are mindless idiots into action movies that suck…based on comic books that sucked…in an era where I thought we’d be better than this…you know after years of making fun of comic book nerds…why they fuck are we making their stories into movies that take up budgets from actually original concepts….you know we BULLIED the nerds so that we wouldn’t need to deal with this shit….but instead, the nerds succeeded, were drawn to work in Hollywood because a nerd in Hollywood is not seen as a nerd because he’s in Hollywood…and I realize a guy with a website calling a millionaire movie producer making nerd movies a nerd…is pretty fucking nerd but know that I barely know how to send an email which is NOT nerdy at all….

In the event you are confused – this is not a fan SITE…

THAT SAID, the dude asking about Fan Castings that he hates, which included Jared Leto, Tom Hardy and who the fuck else, but they never mentioned Brie Larson….

Brie Larson is the fucking worst, try hard, desperate to be an actor, who potentially sold her soul to the devil…because she’s sure not hot enough to justify that celebrity she ended up getting..but she’s got this celebrity and it was all thanks to one movie role, that I actually didn’t mind her in, but they spun that into her faking it as a legit celebrity…while clearly not doing a very good job at the celebrity thing…because despite the roles she’s got…she’s not deserving, doesn’t have that star power, and just sort of squeezed her way in through her asshole I assume….because if she did have star power, her lame ass attempt at being a popstar would have done more for her.

I have no idea why she looks like she’s 45….but she’s probably 45…as she poses in this one-piece…if youre into mom bodies and flat asses stretching….I’m not…if they pretend she’s a star, I’ll pretend she’s worthy of posting…but I am pretending..this is make belief….


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Fitness Ass of the Day

Brie Larson Fitness Ass

I don’t find any celebrities that hot. On an objective level, I think they are all average at best and that’s not factoring their personalities, that’s just me looking at them in movies or on social media, because when you factor in their personalities, they are not even average at best, but rather a straight up pile of dog shit because to be a celebrity, you must have all the worst qualities a person can have…from the fake confidence to thinking you can do it, to finally getting that stamp of approval to validate that fake confidence, to getting overpaid for a lame ass job that they pretend is so fucking important, because that’s all part of the lie they push…you see ANYONE can act…ANYONE…it’s not a talent…whether you want to buy into the lie or not.

So I don’t think Brie Larson’s Oscar they bought her to line up bigger roles for her after a decade of sucking at the whole celebrity thing, but luckily had people to pay her rent over that decade, while normals have to get actual jobs….

So I don’t buy that she’s not, all these years later, because she works out to land those high paying acting gigs in action movies..

Obviously, the whole concept of fame has shifted as these idiots all try to be influencers for attention, devaluing them to influencer level, which is what’s happening.

I far prefer my celebrities to be exclusive, untouchable, unavailable…

When they start doing “Look at me shit” like a girl with a fat ass in your hometown deciding to get an onlyfans…it takes away any level of “important’ person from them….and reminds us how desperate and lame they are…

So here’s a desperate and lame Brie Larson..

Her ass in those shorts doesn’t even look good…like if you’re going to do this, learn the fucking roll, do some character research you idiot and get a better ass…

But even when she wins she’s a loser….

Brie Larson Fitness Ass


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Being Slutty of the Day

Brie Larson Slut

Brie Larson is some scam of a celebrity and probably a horrible fucking person, but for whatever reason that scam worked out of her because she’s cast in those big blockbusters, people think she’s a star, but more importantly dudes think she’s a babe…when the early part of her career she just fucking sucked. She was a failed pop star, a nothing acress, but one day, someone said “Let’s make you a high ticket item”….maybe it was a slow month and she was the only one around….I don’t know, but I do know she did some bullshit victim of abuse movie, wins an Oscar…discounting the credibility of the Oscars and as the serious actor she is….jumps into the 100 million dollar plus budget movies you know to really hone her craft that won her that oscar by CASH FUCKING GRABBING…I don’t know she just gives off bullshit vibes, try hard vibes….even her attempt at instagram erotica cuz she knows she’s gotta grow that platform to make even more money than she already has….and she knows this is how to do it…sleazy instagram ways…maybe the young people will think she’s hip despite looking 45….and sucking….but yeah even this attempt at instagram hotness does nothing for me….it’s a scam….

But I guess it’s some of her best work to date….despite sucking.

Brie Larson Slut


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson See Through of the Day

Brie Larson See Through

Even with Brie Larson’s working out, adrenochrome, aborted fetus stem cell treatment, all the other procedures available to a rich and famous pile of dog shit, she’s still a pile of dog shit…

She looks old, haggard and most importantly, she’s not hot…sure she’s got some tits, and she’s not fat, but there’s nothing more than AVERAGE looking going on here…and if you don’t agree with me, you’re part of the fucking problem.

More importantly, Brie Larson gives off the worst fucking human vibes. I am sure there are far worse people out there but her desperation for fame is just so fucking obvious….and now that she’s got fame…and she’s doing her best version of her famous self…like how she probably used to rehearse her Oscar acceptance speech when she was some 18 year old failure forced to move in with some dude in a band she was fucking…you know that level of loser….only to have a breakout performance through some manipulation by her agents….that got her that Oscar and now all the super hero high ticket roles because Hollywood needs bitches they can get high payouts for, the agents have Art, Houses, Sugar Babies to finance and selling a bitch for 1,000,000 dollars only makes them 100k, they need the bitches to come in at the 50 million mark….

That said, Eddie Van Halen died of Throat Cancer at the age of 65….12 mins ago..so here’s some JUMP…

Now back to scheduled programming, Brie Larson sucks and has likely sucked a lot of dick in her desperate to be famous hustle that worked….and here she is in a see through enough shirt…because the only thing good about her is the titties.

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through

Brie Larson See Through


Posted in:Brie Larson




Brie Larson Scared in the Shower of the Day

As you probably know, Brie Larson has been trying real fucking hard to be famous for basically her entire life. I think she started as a teen, tried to be a popstar, the whole thing a pretty uneventful, low level existence….but she lived in LA, was able to find a rich and famous rocker to mooch off of as her and her mangement or agents strategized….they know it doesn’t take much talent to be famous, it’s just about packaging…so they got her in ROOM, won her an Academy Award so bitch could get cast in blockbusters, as they do….the coveted cash grab action hero moves….allowing her to dumb the dude she mooched off of and pave her own future as a starlet….

It’s really a timing issue, because if this was to happen now, she’d just be doing an only fans, girls who want to get noticed and aren’t getting noticed, take it amongst themselves to get noticed…

Now I don’t think Brie Larson is hot, for whatever reason she looks like a 45 year old school teacher and not in a Kate Latourneau way, in a bitch has no sex appeal…but in keeping up with action stardom, she’s fit, has some tit to distract from that botox face…and is still willing to do some low level clickbait sleaze to get some interaction from the fans…because girls are sluts and tits get hits…

She is definitely dogshit who thinks she’s hot and who would have been one step away from only fans if the whole success thing didn’t happen….but it happened, she exists and we have deal with her as star because Hollywood has decided she’s a star…even though they have all the resources in the world and could have done way better.

Well she’s not too famous to be shameless, because fame and relevance is an addiction these assholes chase forever….and this is that chasing…


Posted in:Brie Larson