The BIGGEST scam in Hollywood is Brie Larson..
Everytime her and her team get her cast in a big movie and pretend that she’s this big deal A-Lister I laugh to myself….in a “I see what you are doing here money grubber, but I don’t buy it”…..
So they’ve launched some Youtube Channel for her to try to connect on that level, or at least make some of that social media money…I am sure a bikini line, fitness line, protein powder and any other online direct to consumer brand is around the corner for her…but for now…we have fitness…despite her not even looking all that fit…but Hollywood has the ability to manipulate our perceptions and buy into the lies…
I don’t doubt that Brie Larson works out all the time, she gets paid 10s of millions of dollars to be in the shitty comic book movies like the sell out she’s always been, I just don’t need her to be my fitness influencer…because she’s not hot…but also because the build up to this moment in her celebrity has been a fucking lie…she’s been scrambling to get famous since she was a kid, it worked out for her, but that doesn’t mean it’s deserved, especially when looking at her and knowing she’s a fucking lie..
I’ll still stare at her ass though, I may prefer broken down girls of the internet doing this thing and I may find Brie Larson overrated and disgusting…not deserving of the hype or paychecks she gets…but she’s a bitch in activewear using youtube videos as an excuse to show off her ass in tight pants and that makes me laugh…whether she is a spoiled brat who has polluted the air of Hollywood or not…ACTIVE WEAR is winning this round…but remember I don’t give a fuck which girl is in it…It’s the activewear I’m here for..

Posted in:Brie Larson