Josie Canseco Nude of the Day

Josie Canseco is wearing nothing but tanlines in more outtakes from this shoot…which is a wonderful way to stare at Josie Canseco because if you follow TANLINE THURSDAYS you know what I think about Tanlines and how they are natures highlighter of the good stuff…

Josie Canseco is probably the hottest instagram celebrity, whatever that means, I mean she’s probably better known as being Jose Canseco’s daughter, so not an instagram celebrity at all, but a hot daughter of a rich as fuck Cuban baseball player…only unlike her dad she never had to wait in line for Sugar, Toilet Paper and other luxuries of communism we should all get used to with this COVID shit…except maybe Florida and Texas you bastards and your winning.

That said…Josie plays the whole social media drama, gets involved with the Paul Brothers, it’s a whole scene, the American reality show of overpaid idiots…but Josie is hot enough to make all that otherwise annoying noise worth paying attention to..

Sure, I am potentially over-hyping her and she’s likely like all other vapid rich kid narcissists on social media…but usually the hot ones are the cooler ones…since they have nothing to really prove…because even if her legacy is being Jose Canseco’s daughter, that’s already better than most…and she’s hot…so look at her…

Here’s a few other hot pics of her being hot…


Josie Canseco Nude of the Day April 20th, 2021