I call Tanlines “Nature’s Highlighter”….you know because I am so studious and when I was in High School I’d sniff Highlighters in attempts to get high while ignoring the idiot teacher spewing bullshit at me….because I was like “I don’t take you seriously teacher, look how lame your life is”…could you imagine devoting your life to working in a High School for a bunch of pieces of shit who are rude, ungrateful and disgusting….I can’t…
But I call Tanlines Nature’s Highlighter because a nice tan looks healthy, but a nice tan in a bikini or panties, leaves the good parts a lighter shade, making it pop so I know I’m seeing something that previously housed clothing…it’s like the MURDER SCENE CHALKLINE…but a little less creepy to jerk off to….right…
Posted in:Tanlines