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Winona Ryder Old but Hot for Interview of the Day

It feels like the 90s up in here today….Winona Ryder who would think would look more like the grandmother scene in Edward Scissor hands and less like Winona Ryder….is posing in some silky lookin clothing for Interview like she’s not in her 40s….in fact…like she’s still in her early 20s…and the weirdest thing in all this is that I find her lookin better than she ever did, which is something that never happens, usually, by the 25th birthday it’s all down hill for a pussy, and I give up on them, but for some reason, a reason I’ll call movie magic, botox and good photography, I’m falling in love with Winona Ryder all over again, like she never fell off and is still filled with Johnny Depp, like she never became a criminal and disappeared from the celebrity world.

She’s all lean and lovely…elegant like old hollywood, even if she’s just old and in Hollywood….and .I am ready for the comeback….even if it’s not the sex tape kind of comeback I like.

Posted in:Winona Ryder