I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Benson Showing Her Stomach of the Day



Ashley Benson is the chubby pretty little liar…who was extremely famous because the show is so big amongst the tweens..but not quite as big as her belly…

I’ve never seen the pretty little liars show, I just know that looking at her instagram picture makes me feel like I am reading an maternity clothing catalog…

Maybe I’m being an asshole, but maybe Ashley Benson is the real asshole who broke free from her show, to differentiate herself, in something that was mainstream buy edgy…and that involved threesomes with James Franco and Vanessa Hudgens, all while being 10 pounds too fat…

I mean…I have expectations for tweens running around in bikinis, I don’t want to see mid 20 year old colllege grad looking girls who spent the last 4 years drinking beer, eating pizza and sucking dick..

I get it, hormones in the food…kids are fatter than they used to be…fat is in..and I guess what it really comes down to is that I actually don’t care…

You see a sloppy 20 something is better than the obese 50 something I fuck with…and the reality is that I sext with all kinds of chubby 20 year olds…and like it..but the difference between them an Ashley Benson…is that they give me the time of day while Benson is on TV….and that’s what matters…

Posted in:Ashley Benson