I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Lottie Hayes Category




Lottie Hayes Nipple of the Day


Lottie Hayes is not famous, but she’s a model….and she’s skinny and she gets topless…so she probably will get famous…already on covers of magazines without having a huge internet following, giving me hope that the world will stop casting people based on followers. It’s idiotic but makes sense but unfortunately makes cunts too much money they don’t need…

Lottie looks young young, she’s interesting enough looking in the most basic of ways.

She’s from the UK, she has all her teeth now that the UK has modern dental technology and it’s not the industrial revolution where everywhere is covered in an inch of coal dust, fighting for a piece of meat, in their sewer-less flats…

She’s not a character or orphan in a Dickens story, but would probably be more interesting if she was, but I guess showing her nipples is enough to be considered in this nipple loving era of nipples.

Hey Lottie – I see your nipples. Long gone are the days of a lady being a lady at a garden party riding bikes side saddle…it all happened when we gave them the right to vote.

Posted in:Lottie Hayes




Lottie Hayes Nude for Matteo Montanari of the Day

Her name is Lottie Hayes and she’s posing topless for a photographer named MATTEO MONTANARI

I don’t know if she’s really all that cute, but she isn’t fat, she willing to show her tits for a photographer, because she’s a model who has done a bunch of random shit like Vogue Spain and L’Officel which are pretty fucking major and I guess that makes her perfect enough for me – if not even too good for me…and these pics…basic but still great because well #tits.

Posted in:Lottie Hayes