This ABC Diane Sawyer Bruce Jenner interview trailer is pretty funny….I feel like it is all scripted into the Kardashian show, because it is that level of insane…in terms of willing to destroy yourself for ratings…even if all the trannies out there will argue that getting a sex change isn’t destroying yourself but rather finding your true self by chopping off your dick and balls…but when Kardashian’s are invovled…it is safe to assume that it’s for content and not a bi-product of steroids in his athlete youth…or maybe…it’s just commentary of how the mom Kardashian pretty much ripped his balls off of him..and he’s going literal like an art project…
All this to say…it reminds me of a scene from a shitty Ben Stiller movie…yet it’s the Kardashian real life…which isn’t real life at all..
That said, here’s Kylie for Coachella to make it a better kind of creepy….
Here’s Kylie’s Fake ass Falling in the Deset/ Beach…
Here’s Kendall’s Back…
Posted in:Bruce Jenner